Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Direct Mail

Direct Mail - Why Business Owners Don't Use It

Want to know why most business owners don't do direct mail even though it's probably one of the most effective marketing methods?

Well, there's two reasons:

1. It's more difficult than e-mail

You've got to format the letter, get it right, hire a list, send it off to a printer and a mailing house, etc.

Much easier to click send and fire off an email.

BUT... and it's a very big BUT I myself am guilty of - direct mail will generally get you a far better response than email.

And while it may not be convenient, it's most certainly effective.

2. There's no sales reps selling you direct mail

When was the last time somebody knocked on your door and asked you to buy some direct mail?

But I'm sure you've received a phone call from your local newspaper... phone directory... or a local charity wanting you to buy advertising, right?

Truth is, most of us are lazy when it comes to our marketing.

So we wait for someone to knock on our door... being reactive rather than proactive.

Well, it's time to change all that.

... because pro-active marketers are the one's who make the dollars.

Not the ones who wait for someone to say "advertise here" have I got a deal for you.

Because the bottom line is even with a little knowledge you will be able to get far better results than the person who is selling you the advertising, except in the very, very, very rare case that the ad rep is educated.

So take control of your marketing today.


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