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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Direct Mail

Direct Mail - Why Business Owners Don't Use It

Want to know why most business owners don't do direct mail even though it's probably one of the most effective marketing methods?

Well, there's two reasons:

1. It's more difficult than e-mail

You've got to format the letter, get it right, hire a list, send it off to a printer and a mailing house, etc.

Much easier to click send and fire off an email.

BUT... and it's a very big BUT I myself am guilty of - direct mail will generally get you a far better response than email.

And while it may not be convenient, it's most certainly effective.

2. There's no sales reps selling you direct mail

When was the last time somebody knocked on your door and asked you to buy some direct mail?

But I'm sure you've received a phone call from your local newspaper... phone directory... or a local charity wanting you to buy advertising, right?

Truth is, most of us are lazy when it comes to our marketing.

So we wait for someone to knock on our door... being reactive rather than proactive.

Well, it's time to change all that.

... because pro-active marketers are the one's who make the dollars.

Not the ones who wait for someone to say "advertise here" have I got a deal for you.

Because the bottom line is even with a little knowledge you will be able to get far better results than the person who is selling you the advertising, except in the very, very, very rare case that the ad rep is educated.

So take control of your marketing today.

Food Development Job

What Does a Food Development Job Involve?

There are several key skills that you will need in order to be able to be successful in this job role. Take a look at some of the main skills listed below:

• Good technical and practical skills. You need to understand and be able to carry out various food development techniques.
• A strong knowledge of the industry and a genuine passion for food. If you can demonstrate this to your employers then you will advance quickly. They will respect your dedication and interest in the industry.
• This job does not just require a general understanding of food, but it also requires you to know about the science behind food. You will stand a better chance of getting a great job if you have studied something relevant. Relevant courses include things like food nutrition, food chemistry and biology.
• Knowledge of the food market. You must keep up to date with market trends and developments. Knowing some information about some of the major food brands is also useful. Some of the ways in which you can keep up to date include reading industry magazines and newspapers, talking to industry experts and engaging with the food community online.
• Creativity. This job requires a great deal of creativity in order to be able to develop new and market leading products. You need to be able to generate new ideas on a regular basis.
• Research skills. You will need experience of carrying out research projects. This is because food development specialists need to be able to predict future trends. Make sure you are able to make use of various research methods and can analyse research results effectively.
• The ability to work well in a team. This is because food technologists are expected to work with various other food industry professionals in order to achieve an end goal. Some of the teams that food technologists have to work with include marketing, packaging, financial, nutritional and legal teams.

If you think that you posses most of the above skills, then this could be a great fit for you. You never know, you could become a food development specialist and it could turn out to be your dream job!

If you have been looking for Food Development Jobs then you might also want to consider searching for Food Technologist Jobs too!

Kmart Job Application Online

Kmart Job Application Online - 5 Tips to Get Hired Quickly
If you have been considering filling out and submitting a Kmart job application online you should know this giant retail chain is always accepting applications and there is a great chance you will be hired if you follow a few guerilla tactics and if you make a good impression during the interview process.

So, what kind of jobs can you get?

Kmart offers entry-level and hourly jobs as well as professional and salaried positions, all from their main careers website which can be accessed easily by performing a search for "Kmart careers". They also have specialized employment programs for current college students or graduates, and for those who have served in the military.

Once you are in the site, if you are searching for an entry-level opening all you have to do is click on the "search for jobs' where you will immediately be able to access the job and area of your choice. From there you will be taken to the actual application process where you can follow the simple steps to apply for a Kmart job.

Those of you looking for salaried and professional positions will have to register for an account so you can easily create your profile and upload your resume and/or CV. There is even an area where you can email a job listing to friend!

These days, more than ever, to get a job you have to use your imagination to put yourself in the best light. With that said, here are 5 tips to get you hired with them:
  1. Visit the store of your choice before you even consider filling out a Kmart application online. The reason is simple; with so much competition these days in the job market, you will have a distinct advantage of getting hired over your competition if you can make a great first impression in person! The reason is; people love hiring and working with people they are familiar with rather than working with a stranger they know nothing about.
  2. Once you have made personal contact, be friendly and express your desire to work for their company, and let them know you will be submitting an application online.
  3. Let them also know you will be following up on your app in about a week or so and tell them although you have applied elsewhere and your prospects look good, Kmart is your first choice. Get the name of the supervisor or other employee you have made contact with. Send that employee or supervisor a "thank you" letter for taking the time to talk to you about a possible job at their store and reiterate the fact that you will follow up on your Kmart application shortly. Include your home and cell phone number in that letter.
  4. Follow up on your application as promised by visiting the store to check on your application status and once again, be friendly and personable. By this time, they will have seen you in person twice, creating more familiarity with you!

How great is that?

If you let them see you as a person instead of just an applicant, by the time you fill out that Kmart job application online, you will have already created anticipation for a company who desperately wants to hire a quality individual like you.

Online Job Boards

Online Job Boards Cannot Be Avoided

The argument against the use of online job sites is valid if viewed in light of privacy and security issues, and one certainly needs to be [very] careful, but several recruitment sites have introduced tools that allow job seekers to block name, contact information, and also information identifying employers. Privacy concerns could be eased significantly if these tools are used in addition to simple precautions like using an anonymous e-mail address, protecting sensitive information (such as social security numbers, etc.), and researching the prospective employer's background thoroughly.

Being careful is always the best way to protect one's privacy online -- job boards or otherwise. More information about protecting one's privacy could be found on the individual site itself.

Success statistics
I have read statistics that point to a 4-8% success rate with online job boards. Where did the numbers come from? What was the sample size? Were they studying proficient Internet users or those who haven't joined the Internet revolution? What professions were studied? What geographic locations were included? Were the job seekers' interests local or national? The point I am trying to make here is that results will fluctuate due to differences in sample quality and research methodology. If you ask my clients, over 30-40% have found jobs through sites like Monster and Career Builder. [It could be that a vast majority of my clients are Web savvy and turn to the Web for almost all their needs.]

In conclusion
Employers find it relatively easy to research and recruit candidates online and as newer online tools continue to surface, employers are more likely to turn to the Web for their recruiting needs (it costs a fraction as compared to traditional recruitment strategies). Viewed in this light, online employment and recruitment websites will continue to grow in importance and would be a valuable addition to other job search strategies

Successful Job Seeker

#1 Skill Needed by Every Successful Job Seeker
I have traveled all over the world, and while at airports waiting for my flight, I always try to find a gate where the plane is having mechanical issues, is extremely late, or was cancelled altogether. And I would go to the gate just to watch majority of the people go through the stages of grief: Denial/Shock, Distraction/Panic, Irritation/Anger, Bargaining, and Depressed. I would literally watch the passengers go through, or get stuck in these steps. It was cheap entertainment and better than airport food. The professional travelers did not panic. They took action and were rebooked almost immediately through the private club assistant, a customer service representative, companies travel expert or their PDA. What do these seasoned travelers' know that the other passengers not know, or do?

Top CEO's and professionals including seasoned traveler's know a secret and execute this secret everyday when hit obstacles - RESILIENCE

Job Seekers initially hit the downsizing, out of work obstacle that will move them into the stages of grief. They will also hit job-seeking obstacles along their career transition.

Now the secret of handling any major change is not to avoid these steps for everyone goes through these at some rate. The secret is to rapidly more through the steps of grief, using only second's not hours or even days to accept the current state and get to work on your future state. The remedy to is to put Resilience into action.

Resilience is the number one skill that all successful Job Seekers posses.

Take an inventory of how resilient you are: Positive, Focused, Flexible, Organized and Proactive.

Successful Job Seekers are positive that this will work out and for the better. It will take hard work and some long hours, yet it can and will be done. Along the way you will make some great friends and build your personal network. You will learn to do without some things and be better for it. In the end you will grow and be stronger and better positioned to grow personally. You may need to learn some new skills and become better in others and with some study you will get better. You have the ability to learn. You are positive that with practice executing resilience will help you transition rapidly toward your next opportunity.

I love the Wizard of Oz when the Wizard hands out gifts to each of Dorothy's friends who are missing some quality: Courage, Brains, or Heart. As a Job Seeker you too might be missing some key qualities. That is why you build a team around you. You hire a coach, or mentor; you attend network sessions, training, groups etc. and ask the experts. With a little training and hanging out with smart people I am positive you can ask the right questions, learn what you need to, and be able to market yourself on-to the "MUST HIRE" List.

Distractions will happen. Successful Job Seekers keep distractions under check. They stay focused on the key actions they need to accomplish and when they need to accomplish them.

Distractions will happen and sometimes will drag you back into one of the steps of loss. It may be some statement or message that you process and drags you down. This is where the power of resilience can take you through those grief/loss steps and back focusing on the important steps that are your future. Learn from the past, but don't live there. Live in the present - Today. And plan on your future opportunity.

Focus on today. To many Job seekers jump to what I call the sexy part of job seeking - The Resume. The love the marketing, yet forget eight of the most important steps every Job seeker must accomplish before ever crafting one word on their resume. Focus is key.

Successful Job Seekers are flexible in the sense they use social networks, coaches, and friends for support, in keeping positive, focused, flexible, organized and proactive. These people, your team is essential for helping you remain resilient.

We also find flexibility when it comes to learning new skills, and perfecting your personal brand that matches your target companies needs. As a successful Job Seeker must be better than the competition, so forget what worked in the past. You must be flexible at perfecting your stories, and personal brand to you market and their needs to use social networks and relationships. It is time to rebrand, perfect, sharpen, and present a dynamic brand not a cut and paste resume and cover letter blasted out to the internet void.

Successful Job Seeker is organized with various tools that structure all the activities of your job campaign. This is an area that many people struggle and fail. Failure to fully utilize these tools will dramatically reduce your return on investment. Each person will have a Vision, Mission, Goals and pain messages that will direct their activities. Each activity is structured to support the next activity and tied to short and full term goals.

Also organization will help focus on the use of the top search strategies allowing a return on investment. Companies have systems that help them accomplish more and so you must also have tools/systems to manage your contacts and the marketing materials disbursement and management.

Successful Job Seekers are proactive by planning their work and working their plan. They are working 30 or more hours each week. They are using ONLY the top strategies that return results not Internet job boards that are the least effective strategy and have a low ROI. They help others and take time for themselves during downtime. They put resilience into action every day.

Remember the key skill Job Seekers must have in executing a successful career transition is resilience. Having resilience does not mean you won't get depressed, angry, fearful, or upset. It does mean you'll recognize it quicker and move through it faster and reframe the issue as an opportunity.

Winning the Career War

As elusive as winning the battle on the career front may sound, it really is a game of good timing, great strategy, and powerful allies (smart networking). Consider the following tips:

1. Reprogram your mindset

Sally held a lucrative job at a career development firm. Despite a comfortable salary, plush office, and enviable flex time benefits, she found herself dragging to work every morning. After a few career coaching sessions she realized she was in a profession that was in sync with her interests and talents. What was missing then?

Many individuals approach their work with a "need-the-job-to-pay-my-bills" attitude -- not a winner's strategy. Adhering to employer-laborer dynamics, reminiscent of the nineteenth century, provides very little motivation to the workforce. Work becomes a forced endeavor with such a mindset and there is no desire to make a difference or to go the extra mile. The byproducts of this approach are minimal professional growth and a lack of satisfaction.

What if the perspective were reprogrammed?

Let's visualize a scenario where the employee is a self-employed independent consultant selling professional services to the employer. The relationship now undergoes a dramatic transformation due to the intense desire to please the client (employer), outperform the competition (peers), [constantly] upgrade services (professional development), and deliver the best service possible (translation: performance). Such employees will always find creative solutions to satisfy and benefit the customer (employer) and, thus, themselves.

Sally adopted this attitude and soon found herself energized and motivated. Empowered by her [self-imposed] promotion, she metamorphosed into an "idea machine" that constantly generated newer ways of improving efficiency and profitability. She worked with her superiors to launch several new programs and was soon promoted to a bigger and better role.

2. Establish goals and develop a game plan

Jim was a business analyst at a leading pharmaceutical company. He was drawing a comfortable salary and was very content with his work until he realized that despite all the hard work he had not grown much in over three years. He knew something wasn't right and immediately embarked on an honest self assessment.

The first outcome of the exercise was the realization that Jim was not working toward a clear goal. Further work revealed his interests in a brand management position. Once the goal was defined, the next step involved the development of a game plan, a roadmap that entailed working extra hours (voluntarily) with the brand team and a detailed strategy for developing brand management competencies. He developed these skills by participating in numerous projects and by undertaking training programs and MBA-level courses. Jim is now interviewing for positions with brand teams.

3. Build powerful allies

It may be lonely at the top but those who reached there did not walk alone. Networking is a crucial component of any career success campaign; from growth prospects to new job offers, opportunities always knock at the doors of the well-connected.

Start building alliances within the organization. Supervisors, peers, team members, vendors, customers -- all of these are potential networking contacts. Even better, each of these contacts may know many others, and if one were to tap into this pool of "friends of friends," the list of allies could snowball to sizeable proportions within a very short period of time.

In addition to internal networking, opportunities for networking outside the organization are virtually infinite. From subway riders to presidents of industry associations, almost everyone is a potential ally. Serious career warriors know this secret and will be not lose the opportunity to make friends. They will be omnipresent at networking events.

4. Fire up the PR ammunition

Gone are the days when PR strategies were the exclusive domain of commercial enterprises. We live in times where individuals, too, can leverage PR tactics to their advantage.

With a plethora of publishing and speaking opportunities, it is very easy to boost visibility and establish one's image as an expert. Blogs, articles, trade journals, teaching opportunities, seminars, webinars, conferences -- all of these are excellent avenues to showcase professional expertise and to generate some buzz.

5. Position effectively

During my MBA program, our marketing professor initiated us into a very powerful mantra: "To be successful, be different." Almost every successful brand would swear by his words.

Speaking of brands, ever wonder why popular brands are more successful than their competitors? It is no secret that these brands have worked very hard to position themselves as being unique and a cut above the competition.

Great lessons for career stalwarts desirous of developing their own positioning strategies.

In order to stand out from the crowd of "me too" professionals career warriors, need to carefully evaluate and understand their signature strengths and leverage them to develop an effective positioning strategy. A manager, for example, may choose to position herself as a "growth-focused team leader who specializes in turning around failing divisions". An administrative assistant may, on the other hand, position himself as an "extremely efficient administrative ace that can ensure seamless operation of highly-complex, multi-million dollar organizations".

IT Recruiter

How an IT Recruiter Can Help You
If you are a professional in the IT field and want to have a new job, you may get confused for finding the correct way for getting them. With a sudden rush of the career and recruitment websites, you might just wonder if your IT recruiter can be of any valuable help at all. The fact is that you are missing some very good opportunities by focusing more on the career websites and less on your IT recruiter.

An IT recruiter may be employed by an organization to help in the IT department's talent acquisition requirements. He may also be working alone for a multiple companies. These recruiters spend considerable time on building relationships with many top-notch organizations. Their special word in the HR policies of these companies can be very helpful for an IT professional to secure a decent job profile in these companies. Applicants through an IT recruiter have a special edge over the others. It also happens that a big IT company may not advertise for their vacancies and simply ask the recruiters to find suitable talents for them. You can miss such opportunities if you rely only on recruitment websites.

The profiles for management positions in top companies are generally offered to the recruiter companies and groups. Relying on these small firms for staffing solutions, the big companies can acquire the best talents with minimum hassle. A regular contact with these small firms is important for a job seeker if he wants a desirable profile.

Another advantage is that they will not ask any payment from you for their services to you. Whether you are able to find a good opportunity or not, you do not have to pay a reliable and professional recruiter or recruitment company. A professional and expert recruiter can help you get you a job of software developing in renowned companies without any liability to pay them. these recruiters generally have fixed percentages with the companies as a source of their income.

Profiles of network administrating will be easily available by the recruitment companies who maintain proper databases of the candidates according to their special skills and qualifications. If you have personally visited a recruiter, they have your CV with them. This means they can personally contact you as soon as they find an opportunity suitable for you.

A good recruiter can also help you in improvising your CVs and adding points in them that make them more attractive to the best of the organizations. Rendering the services of an It recruiter for a job in this field can be of immense benefits to the candidates as well as the organizations.

Graphic Design Jobs

3 Tips to Start Entry Level Graphic Design Jobs on the Right Foot
Graphic design is the use of electronic media to draw attention to an ad or website. Graphic designers use images, animation, illustrations, color, fonts, and patterns to draw the eye and arouse attention. Entry level graphic design jobs include working for magazines, publishing companies, website designers, television ad companies, and many different types of companies.

What is the Required Schooling?
To be hired in a graphic design job, a bachelor's degree in this field is commonly required. Many colleges offer programs within fine arts. Those courses include numerous classes on design - everything from design principles to commercial graphics. A liberal arts education is also helpful if it includes classes in marketing and business. Any type of business course is a plus and if you can target specialized fields such as computer graphics that will also help you get ahead of the game later when trying to move up the ladder of success.

Entry Level Graphic Design Jobs
After completing these courses an earning a Bachelor's degree in one or more of these fields, a student would then qualify to work as an assistant in this specific department or for a position that only requires technical skills. After working as one of these things, a serious pursuer of these positions could then complete a 2-year or 3-year program to learn more technical requirements. As somebody who is freelancing you can choose to work on your own and pick and choose your clients. Most people start out working for others and move into freelancing as it takes time to build a portfolio of work to show.

Average Pay
In May of 2008 the median annual wages for this course of education was $42,400. Average wage can range from the lower $30,000 to the upper $70,000 depending on experience and job field. On the average, those in a graphic design career working in the computer field make more money whereas others working for newspapers or other printed materials make less.

Working Your Way Up
Most who enter at an entry level or have been freelancing before, need around 3 years of working experience before advancing to higher positions. Some designers choose to leave the field to teach graphic design in colleges and universities. If a designer chooses to stay in this creative field, he could be promoted to chief designer, creative or art director, or a supervisory position. Opening your own firm helps you avoid looking for graphic design job openings or you could choose to specialize in only one area.

Don't expect to start out at the top with entry level graphic design jobs. Be willing to take small jobs and work for others to increase your portfolio. Once you have a portfolio with a variety of work examples to show others than you can start expanding and increasing pay or making preparations to freelance.

Online Typist Jobs

Things to Know About Online Typist Jobs
Okay, you have the qualities of a good typist, you are able to type 40wpm doing blind typing. You have a good command of English, that's good. Also, you have a typing experience of 2 years already. That will also be helpful. But did you ever ask yourself if you will be with people with online typist jobs?

Have you ever asked yourself, what are the qualifications of those people who works with online typists jobs? Do a little bit research and you would know some things. Also, ask around. You may know someone who is already successful online typist.

Another thing that will qualify you for the online typist jobs is the of course knowledge of programs as well functions of the keys that you see on your keyboard. As an online typist you are really expected to have either basic or a lot of knowledge when it comes to computer applications

When you get the main idea or the essential information, the next thing you could do is assess yourself whether you are truly qualified under online typist jobs. To be able to assess yourself you could take advantage of the free online aptitude tests which you could have retakes with at the convenience of your home.

It is very important that you take some practice tests using an aptitude test to better assess your abilities, weaknesses as well strengths. When you get to know your weaknesses it will be best to improve those and when you feel that you have improved you could retake the test.

Now that you have seen a great improvement with your skills it will now be easy for you to take the real aptitude test which is mostly under time pressure.

So now that you know the results of your aptitude test and you are qualified in 3 online typist jobs, it is now up to you which you would choose because you know you are capable of the job as well as totally qualified for that job.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Affiliate Management for Your Online Business

Refrain from being too relaxed while being ambitious that in the event you have signed up to an affiliate marketing network, you can now expect an extra ordinary sales increase. This will just make you feel frustrated, for it's not that easy.

Being in what you believed is the most effective marketing program doesn't mean that you don't need a more focused promotional program and a well planned affiliate management. A sound affiliate management monitors how the affiliate program works, how it helps to generate sales, how the purchasing and sending of commissions going on and to see into other affiliate marketing activities. This will make you diagnose and identify problems in business should it arise anytime.

Affiliate management when done strategically will bring your business to the upper level and out best the rest of your competitors. You, as the owner should do your share of acting as an affiliate manager and keep in control on all the marketing activities.

Employ best affiliate management skills to boost sales. Keep your affiliate marketer stay motivated and active by giving those rewards and strong compensation plans and benefits. Give them free trainings if you can.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, keep those who are already active and find ways to reactivate those who are not and continue your recruits of affiliate marketers so you will be building a very strong affiliate network that can resist a midst of growing competitors. Always see to it that you will incur very minimal cost.

There are available affiliate marketing software in the market today that would somehow make your affiliate management tasks easier. This software will help you oversee aspects like keeping tracks of sales lead, the number of clicks, the sales deals and to generate the sending of commissions to the marketers who referred customers.

You can choose between do-it-yourself software and the affiliate management software depending on how much work you would like to be relieved of. DIY software may be installed in your system to keep track the banners, the affiliates and you will be the one to prepare checks for the marketers when due. On the other hand, affiliate management software frees you from doing the above job for everything will be taken cared of by the affiliate marketing management.

Before you will decide to invest on affiliate marketing software, take time to reflect on important things like, how will the software help you, the cost efficiency of the application and the affordability also matters. Another very important thing to see to it are the features of the software which can be very helpful for your affiliate marketing needs. The software's features may include affiliate management tools, newsletter subscription sign up auto responder and discount coupons.

You need also to consider whether the software to compatible to your system, and whether you can easily modify how it works when time comes that you need some modifications of your marketing plans. It should also be user-friendly and can be easily used so as not to waste time learning how to use it.

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Programs

How To Make Money On The Internet With Affiliate Marketing Programs? Your Start-Up Guide

Affiliate marketing really pays well if you work persistently. The idea of working in this industry is not to work alone but working with other people too. In affiliate marketing, one good method to make money on the internet is through referral programs.

Referral programs in affiliate marketing let you earn passive online income through commission-based sales. Basically, the theory behind these types of programs is the same with other referral systems in other businesses or industries; an affiliate will recommend a site to a visitor on his own website and once that visitor decided to sign up using the link on the website, the affiliate will benefit from the visitor who signs-up or buys a product or service through sales commission.

If an affiliate already has a website all set up and running, it can be used as a medium of advertisement for an affiliate marketing program related to the content topic of the website. A website can be built for the sole purpose of simply promoting a particular affiliate program, a product, or service.

Before any affiliate participates on the different affiliate programs available on the Internet, it is a must to do a little research on the background of a particular affiliate program. Not all programs, products or services will do you good as an affiliate, and not all of them can let you make money on the internet as a lucrative online business. To carry out a research, one best way to start is to find affiliate marketing directories. Most of the times, these directories will offer reviews about the different affiliate programs or provide ratings to the programs by placing stars which demonstrate and correspond to quality, and popularity of the affiliate products or services.

Always ensure that the program you have chosen to be an affiliate with can provide you with reasonable income and revenue shares. Each affiliate program pays differently so you must know which among them can help you make money on the internet and which programs are not.

Many affiliates have been successful in the affiliate marketing industry. But always remember that not all programs will lead you to success. Some good things can never be true, unless of course, you are doing your share to reach the level of success you are dreaming of. You can obtain important pointers in making money on the internet from the successful online marketing affiliates of today.

Affiliate Marketing Income

How to Earn Affiliate Marketing Income
With the current trends in the world's economy most people cannot afford to have just a single source of income. For many of the entrepreneurs who are experts in online businesses they attribute their success to affiliate marketing income.

Creating these multiple streams of income is a process that you need to start on with the right information.

1. First, you need to conduct a self-assessment. Look at your strengths, abilities, and talents. The technical and educational skills are also important before you decide what type of you business you want to get involved in.

The physical assets and resources you have matter a great deal. Assets such as computers, scanners, printers and so on, are necessary for any type of business. If you are not in the possession of these, you may consider getting them from a cheap source such as a friend or a family member.

This could be a cost effective way to get started building several streams of income.

2. When you have all this in place, look for the market niche that is appeals to you. From there, look for products in the particular market that offer affiliate programs. Look for several of them that you could sell to earn a large commission.

3. From there you need to do online promotion in various ways. You need to know all about the product so you can make it public and start promoting all over the Internet.

Affiliate marketing income is not difficult to earn, but you must set it up the right way and with the right kind of resources.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Real Ways To Make Money From Home

There are a big number of people who want to get rid of their boring jobs that don't really make them any money. I can't blame them and I used to be one of those people. At first I was just looking for additional income to support my girlfriends spending habits, but in the end I ended up quitting my job while I was making money from home. I did quite too soon but I have enjoyed my time as a self employed internet marketer. How did I make this happen?

Make Money With E-mail List Marketing

When you surf the internet and search for terms like "make money online" you will find a few groups of people. First there are people who build an empire by collecting e-mail addresses from people who find their way on the websites that they own. For example someone could build a website in a specific niche that had a e-mail submit form. You would subscribe to their mailing list where they would give you more advice and information on the subject at hand. These mailing lists can be quite efficient in many niches and if they are properly done, the people who are subscribed to them can get real information and useful offers.

Once someone would have a good mailing list that is targeted - means that these are people who are interested in a specific thing - the owner of the list would then start sending them periodic offers via e-mail about products that they could be interested in. Think about having 10 000 people who are all interested in mountain bikes, and then send them great offers about mountain bike apparel and accessories. A good amoun ot these people would convert in to sales - buy the product that you offer them - and in the making you would get a good comission. Here the hardest part of the work is to get a good targeted mailing list, and once you have that you can make money from home.

Make Money With Niche Websites

Another real way to make money from home is to build websites. Basically you will have to build the sites no matter which approach you use, because websites are the most prominent way of making money online. With niche websites you will have to focus in a specific at them. The more targeted the crowd the better the conversion rate usually. What this means that if you have a website that is focusin on mountain bikes, chances are that 5% or 1% or the visitors there are going to click on an ad and even less of them are going to purchase a products. But if your website is very targeted and you are only focusing on reviewing the best mountain bike pedals with locks, a larger percent of the visitors are going to be interested in just that. The problem is that the crowd of visitors is going to be a lot smaller, but a lot easier to sell to. Someone looking for mountain bikes, might be just to browse some pictures, look for information, and maybe even try to find a discussion forum or something similar. People looking for the best pedals are definitely searching for something to buy.

Making Money With Seo

There is a lot of debate on which is the best way to get traffic to your website, and there is a group of people that will tell you that the best way to do it is to be social. That would mean that you would go in to every possible mountain biking related website, social group (Facebook groups, Twitter, forums) and try to establish your position as an expert. When that is done you would simply throw in a link to your website every now and then trying to get people to read your posts and then maybe make a purchase every now and then. It is a great plan and in a perfect world we could all do that. The problem is that not all of us are that social, and even if we are, we can't please everyone, or we just don't want the publicity. Ther is an option that can help you make money from home, and that is called search engine optimization.

The more targeted your website is to a small niche, the easier it is going to be to get search engine traffic for search terms that are related to that niche. So ithis means that if you are interested in mountain bikes in general, you would start ten to fifteen websites that are all focused on a single part of the bikes. This way you could serve ads and offers for those specific parts - the people on your website would be looking for that particular part, and they would find your site about it.

Once you have finished the website, you are going to have to obtain backlinks pointing to that website, with anchor texts that are appropriate in your niche. So if you decide to start a website on bike pedals and you publish a lot of articles on places like infobarrel.com and ezinearticles.com with links pointing to your website, you want the anchor text to be "bike pedals" or something similar. You don't want to link out with an anchor that is "website" or "click here". The anchor text is what matters to search engines, since they can define what your website is about based on that text.

Building an additional income from home is not an easy project, although it might be simple. It is jsut a matter of locating a low competition niche, building a website, and then building backlinks to it.Once you have done it successfully with one website, you can repeat the process with another website, and you are on your way to making money while sitting in your home. This can be quite low maintenance once it is done, and you can spend months without really working, and not see a dent in your income.

Data Entry For Beginners

The Best Online Data Entry Jobs From Home - Transcription Jobs
Individuals who work from home as transcriptionists are often expected to produce typewritten copies of recorded material which they will then edit and tweak right on their home computers. Because of the very essence of this type of job, the skills of a transcriptionist can easily be used in many other work at home opportunities as well.

This is probably a good place to inform you, however, that many transcription jobs may require specialized equipment depending on actual tasks to be performed. While is important to know so that you can see if you're will in to invest in the specialized equipment, it might also be helpful because you may be able to invest in equipment that can be used for several types of jobs. This is one sure way to get an even quicker return on your investment should you go this route.

Typically, transcriptionists do not need any formal training. However, it is not uncommon for them to be expected to understand standard legal terminology and have an above average handle on the English grammar.

Regarding pay, depending on the actual assignment, we found that some transcriptionists can expect to make as low as $20K and as high as $40K according to a few resources. However, pay generally is based on your experience level.

Finally, and hopefully to no surprise, you will have to be a fast typist. The lowest required speed I found that hiring companies are looking for is 60-65/wpm (these were far and few between though). I mostly saw companies looking for people who could type at speeds of 80-95/wpm.

In any event, this work at home job type can be a worthwhile venture if you're interested in the details mentioned above.

As always, good luck with your research and much success with whichever business you decide to go with. Thanks for your time and GOD Bless!

Job Training Education

Today technology has grown so much that you can easily get online job training from anywhere around the world. The advancement of technology and internet allows one to obtain training at a reasonable price. There are many online job training companies that offer courses in any subject that you can imagine. Online job training courses enhance your knowledge in the field, which you may wish to enter.

The company for which you are hired typically runs these education courses. These are mostly free job training programs that you will take after you are hired. Nevertheless, what if you do not have a job, or are looking to change careers, well that is what this article is about.

The internet has changed everything

The convenience and availability of the internet allows anyone to take up any online course at almost any time. You can get prepared to attend an interview and land a good job. You can impress your interviewers by using industry terms in your conversation during the interview, all because you took an online course.

Then the problem again becomes one of you working for someone else at their convenience, and you can be laid off whenever they do not want you anymore. Not to mention that no matter how hard you work you are paid the same. Something you should consider is being a freelance worker. You get paid more when you work more, and just like in the physical world as in the online world, if you do not work you do not get paid.

The online job training classes are mostly certification courses, which help you achieve your goals and improve your odds of getting a good job in a most affordable way. These job training programs are very suitable for people with busy schedules who do not have time to attend regular classes.

The bonus of job skill training

What makes this such an attractive option for employers is the people who use job training courses prove that they can learn and are willing to learn. This means the company can choose quality people instead of having to find someone and then train them in the hope that they will work for the company.

Being a freelance worker gives you the advantage of working from home, and setting your own hours. You still have to meet deadlines, but you have the flexibility to get it done in your own manner in your own time. If you want, you can work for many different companies, and still stay at home to take care of your family. With a paycheck coming in from many different sources, you never have to worry about being broke ever again.

You can be independent, and earn a living from home, or get the skills you need to get the job you truly desire just by getting your job training education. All you have to do is believe in yourself, know what you like to do, and then get the skills you need so you can do a job you love.

Online Marketing

Learn For Free Online Marketing Methods!
Can you truly drive massive quality traffic to your home business using FREE online marketing methods? Here is a simple review of why it is important to learn online marketing methods.

With the wonderful world online marketing in this day and age you can get all the free advertisement you want or need with the right marketing skills for your home business and that's a fact. Most home based businesses have a limited amount of funds dedicated to certain things that are required in order to make sure they continue to run and that's another fact.

I know that when I opened my very first home based business, I was so focused on paying just get something done, that I didn't take the time to learn how to get the same outcome using free online marketing methods which was definitely possible had I did more online research and joined more like minded groups. All of the money that I ended up spending on advertising could have definitely been used elsewhere with my home business. I also learned that as soon as I stopped paying the traffic slowed up dramatically and had I learned how to do it myself the proper way the traffic would have been consistent without a doubt

What I learned and constantly tell anyone I come into contact with that does own their own home based business is; don't hire any company until you at least try to accomplish their goal first using free online marketing methods. There are many FREE methods of marketing your home business such as article, video and forum marketing platforms. Although there is a learning curve, it could mean the difference between success... and failure.

Data Entry Jobs

Earn $300 Per Day With Simple Data Entry Jobs
Data entry jobs are among the most popular and widespread jobs currently available in the online market. The reason why these jobs are so hot and appealing is that they are extremely easy to do.

No professional or prior experience is required to do any type of data entry jobs. Most of these jobs require you to copy and paste text/information from one place to another. There are hundreds of thousands of employers looking for expert entry clerks and professionals. If you really think that you can copy and paste, then you should not stay away from the fruitful outcomes of these jobs.

Though there is no limit on how much you can earn with data entry jobs, but it all depends on your working capabilities. If you are really very fast, then you can earn a lot. If you have hands on Microsoft Office and other similar software packages, then you won't find it difficult to do the entry jobs. Most of the entry jobs are conducted on these software packages.

Besides copying and pasting, there are a number of entry jobs which require you to fill out survey forms. By filling out these survey forms, you help different companies and manufacturers improve their products. And, in return, you get a good sum of money. Filling out a survey form does not take more than 15 minutes. And, in return, you can get any amount from $5 to $15.

Now, if you consider a regular data entry work, then, by working only 5 hours a day, you can earn a minimum of $100 per day and a maximum of $300 per day. And, this is only for filling out survey forms. Doing different jobs can get you even more money!

Earn at Home Made Easy

Learning to Earn at Home Made Easy

A lot of entrepreneurs think that earning an income from home is some sort of pipe dream that they will never achieve. This is a sad fact since there a few simple guidelines that can have anyone earning at home in no time.

Learning to Earn at Home Made Easy Step 1:

The first thing that you need to do is conceptualize how you want to make money online. The first choice is to decide if you want to start your own business or simply work for someone else from the comfort of your own home.

If you choose the latter then the best way to find a job online is to join several freelance communities and get a feel for what kind of jobs are in demand and then offer your services. You can find work doing anything from writing to being a virtual assistant.

The downside to earning from home as an employee is that outside of the perk of being home you still have to face all the troubles that come with having a regular job. This is why many people opt for the other option of starting their own business.

Learning to Earn at Home Made Easy Step 2:

Once you decide to start your own online business there are even more exciting decisions to be made. These all have something to do with you building your brand and start earning online. As with anything there are again many different routes that you can take.

Many people simply start blogging about a topic that they are passionate about. This may seem silly but if your blog gets popular enough then you can make a lot of money getting "paid to place" ads on your site or running your own affiliate offers.

The other options are more straightforward like starting a retail website or selling wholesale goods on auctions sites like eBay. These all have their different advantages and their own disadvantages the real key is to find the perfect balance between getting paid a good income and doing something that you enjoy.

Learning to Earn at Home Made Easy Step 3:

The biggest factor in your success will be your ability to set goals and achieve them. This applies to any method of making money online. If you do not have a clear set of goals then you will get often get bogged down working on distracting projects that might not even contribute to your overall success.

You need to create a list of achievable goals and go after them one at a time, whether it be increasing your website visitors by a certain number each month or writing a new post each week, anything that is doable and contributes to your bottom line is worth doing.

This learning to earn at home made easy guide is a good place to start but remember there are tons of free resources online that can teach you how start a business or find a job doing anything from getting paid to place ads or pretty much anything you like.

Ideas For Jobs

Seven Powerful Ideas For Jobs For Busy Moms
Here are seven exceptional ideas you can put into practice right away. The choices and opportunities for working from home have expanded into an avalanche of potential. Yet when you are a busy mom, with responsibilities that extend into the stratosphere, it can be a challenge to come up with a specific idea you can consciously cause to occur.

Work from Home Strategy No. 1: Brainstorm your talents. Brainstorm your capabilities. Can you manage events? Can you write blogs? Can you sell real estate or tiny gadgets? The first work from home strategy is to get big with your choices. Ideally you will STOP reading this article, go over to your computer, PDA or a pad of paper and just line up word after word of what you like to do.

Work from Home Strategy No. 2: Now think again about your skills. What aren't you seeing? What is your blind spot? Ask your friends "What am I really good at?" Consider what you like to do in your family gatherings. What role do you usually play? Some of my friends are so organized. They can execute an unexpected indoor birthday party for 27 at the drop of a hat, then say "I just don't have any skills." Well, that takes skill. See yourself in new ways.

Work from Home Strategy No. 3: Facebook.

Work from Home Strategy No. 3A: I guess perhaps you might want more detail. Facebook is emerging as a raging river with last word over 600 million people tapping into it every day. How many opportunities are going to blossom from that madness? I can't begin to count. Learn how to make a Facebook Page and then sell that service to others. Sell a product with a Facebook Page. Discover the key to a successful Facebook ad. You're going to hear maybe thousands of careers get created from Facebook.

Work from Home Strategy No. 4: Navigate Facebook with grace. Get what Facebook does and figure out how any of your efforts can be nourished with that platform. Just become savvy with it. I'm not saying I'm there yet, but the last tool I learned was how to make an opt-in box and post it on a Fan Page. If you're not clear what an opt-in box is, that's OK, we can talk about that in another article. The key is to get your arms wrapped around the huge momentum of Facebook and embrace it verses resisting it.

Work from Home Strategy No. 5: Sales positions will always be good work from home positions, except that exceptional sales results occasionally involve face-to-face conversations. If you have any leanings towards sales, go for it and get training and really get into it. If you can sell hockey mom products, you can make enough money at least to play for all of the kids skates, for instance. If you can sell any one thing well, you can tap all of the internet traffic and "divert and convert."

Work from Home Strategy No. 6: Become an expert at something. Become known as the go-to person on that topic. You can make a blog for free on your topic and place ads on that page. You can attract followers who want to know about your topic, from YOU, and then nourish them with opportunities that feed that passion (my blog Jobs for Busy Moms does just that, it is a lot of fun).

Work from Home Strategy No. 7: Let go of all of your limiting beliefs. The world has changed in the last six months beyond belief. Needless to say if you've been an at home mom for a few years, you won't even recognize the world of work at home opportunities. There are millions and millions of opportunities. So, allow yourself to find some great ones. Get creative! Have fun!

Work at Home

Do You Have What it Takes to Succeed?
With the economy in full-flung recession and the jobless rate higher than it's been in a generation, many unemployed workers turn to working from home to create a full-time income. Opportunities abound for the creative entrepreneur, be they stay-at-home mom or a job seeker tired of scouring the want ads. However... for every success there are dozens of failures. Here's what you need in order to succeed when working from home:

Home Office -- A dedicated work space. Just as an office or a cubical in a traditional business setting enables you to focus on the tasks at hand, in order to create a successful home-based business you must have a secluded space of your own where you can work uninterrupted.

Time Management Discipline -- You may not punch a time-clock when you sit down at your desk, but you need to establish a routine and *stick* *to* *it*. Success is not a matter of luck; rather, it is a result of small, focused tasks repeated diligently to obtain results.

Attainable Goals -- Retiring tomorrow is not realistic, unless you're Donald Trump. Incorporate within your business plan measurable, reasonable short-term goals, and reward yourself when you achieve them.

Persistence -- You've probably heard the ancient Chinese proverb, "A journey of ten thousand miles begins with a single step." That's nice, but if you don't keep going, you'll never arrive at your destination. Working from home requires extraordinary "stick-to-itiveness." Just. Keep. Going.

Downtime -- Working from home can be more stressful than a traditional day job, because your "office" may be just down the hall. Take time out for yourself, and make sure to relax and unwind after each day's work, so that you're rested and refreshed and ready to tackle tomorrow's to-do-list.

Dedication -- The path of the entrepreneur can be lonely and forbidding. Commit to yourself to persevere until you succeed, to study your business diligently, to apply what you learn daily, and to believe in yourself unconditionally. If you don't believe in yourself, who else will?

Support from Family -- Your spouse, your children, your loved ones are the reason you get up in the morning and go to work -- even if your commute is a mere stroll down the hall. It is important to have the support and encouragement of your spouse, to help motivate you when you minor setbacks and disappointments occur.

The important thing is.... Take Action. Keep Going. Believe In Yourself -- and Achieve!

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